Fifth District Savings Bank - Fifth District Savings Bank

La sucursal bancaria de Fifth District Savings Bank es una oficina bancaria de Fifth District Savings Bank. Es una sucursal de Full Service Office Location y se encuentra ubicada en 4000 General Degaulle Dr en New Orleans Louisiana
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Direcciones del banco
Fifth District Savings Bank Ubicación de la sucursal:
Nombre de la sucursal: Fifth District Savings Bank
Dirección: 4000 General Degaulle Dr
New Orleans, Louisiana 70114
Número de Teléfono: (504) 362-7544

Obtén rápidamente las direcciones a la ubicación del banco en esta página (4000 General Degaulle Dr en New Orleans)
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Los siguientes son este Fifth District Savings Bank. Horario de apertura y cierre de la sucursal:
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Fifth District Savings Bank was established 01/01/1926. They are one of 7 branch locations operated by Fifth District Savings Bank. For ATM locations, drive-thru hours, deposit info, and more information consider visiting their online banking site at:
Búsqueda de Número de Ruta ABA de Fifth District Savings Bank
La ABA permite 2 búsquedas por día. Complete el formulario con el nombre del banco, la ciudad y seleccione el estado y debería obtener su(s) número(s) de ruta para esa ubicación.
Si eso le parece bien, simplemente use este enlace: Número de Ruta de Fifth District Savings Bank en New Orleans, LA - para obtener el número de ruta de la ABA para las sucursales de Fifth District Savings Bank en New Orleans, LA
La imagen a continuación muestra partes de un cheque, a saber: el número de ruta, el número de cuenta y el número de cheque:
parts of a check - routing account number

Fifth District Savings Bank Reseñas e información adicional

Fifth District Savings Bank Valoración media de los clientes
Valoración media de los clientes

1 out of 5 stars from 1 reviews.

Average Customer Star Rating
40531-Fifth District Savings Bank

1 stars

Reviewed on July 19 2019 by Amanda D

Fifth District was great when we went to purchase a home and they gave us a very simple process to obtain a mortgage [-]. I recommended them many times as I know many realtors however they really disappointed [-] when it came to [-] personal service a local bank typically has [-] advantage of a large bank. 3 years ago [-] ex and I purchased a home together and this last fall we split, with [-] agreement [-] ex kept [-] home and would refinance [-] name off [-] mortgage within 2 years. I am a small [-] owner and in [-] was denied [-] extension of our credit [-] due to recent late mortgage payments which shocked [-]. When I looked into it, [-] bank had sent [-] escrow analysis to [-] house in [-] fall and it subsequently changed [-] payment on [-] house which was [-] [-] draft from our bank account. This resulted in [-] mortgage payment being short and they called [-] ex to let her know it was short and she brought in a larger lump sum payment to bring it current. She did not understand at that time that [-] amount of [-] payment still needed to change or it would, and did fall short again in [-] this year and she then corrected [-] amount being debited to $300 more than [-] [-] higher payment even.
When I called [-] banker and explained that I was unaware and [-] ex simply was not used to handling [-] finances they gave [-] a change of address form so I could be copied on future mailings however went seemingly out of their way ([-] banker [-], and then her manager [-], whose number I requested) to describe to [-] in [-] detail [-] right they were that [-] payments were late. I understood this but was making a plea to remove [-] 2 late reports from [-] otherwise perfect credit because this was not a matter of blatantly not paying our obligations, it was a matter of not understanding that [-] lump sum paid in [-] fall was not [-] entire amount and [-] mortgage payment itself needed to be changed, and was changed over and above when she understood that. I normally would never ask this but late mortgage payments would have [-] effect on her refinancing [-] [-] out of [-] name, [-] ability to purchase in [-] future and most importantly it was having a crippling effect currently on [-] small [-] and ability to borrow money for inventory. I sent [-] plea in [-] email after speaking to both of them with no [-] and told them that I hoped they could be understanding that we take our obligations and credit seriously and [-] lates would portray that we had a blatant disregard for paying our bills and they of all people know we [-] not, otherwise they would not have given [-] [-] in [-] first place. Credit reporting is voluntary and [-] agencies are private and in no way run or controlled by [-] federal government. Banks [-] not have to report payment history at all and only [-] so for [-] benefit of a sense of punishment if a borrower is slow paying or doesn't pay. If a lender feels that a delinquency was a misunderstanding and not a true failure to pay [-] obligation they have every right and are in fact encouraged to correct reporting to reflect a more accurate picture of [-] borrowers ability to repay debt.
In [-] end, [-] bankers I spoke to (who are [-] specific people that report these lates to [-] bureaus each day) not only kept [-] 2 lates that were effecting [-] credit, but then went back and showed [-] delinquencies from [-] fall that had not been previously reported, now making it 7 x 30 day lates. I [-] never understand why a local bank who has [-] advantage of personal relationships with its clients would take actions like this. I was never rude and would be [-] to provide a copy of [-] email I sent to anyone on [-] fence.
In [-] previous [-] I was a fully delegated underwriter for [-] [-], FHLMC, FHA, VA and two other less known entities. In [-] 12 year experience as such, many times I had to look into late mortgage payments for this very reason and never once did I speak to a mortgage servicer for any of these entities that was so [-] bent on painting [-] inaccurate picture of a person's ability to repay debt simply for [-] fact that they could. If you want a bank that wants relationships, Fifth District is NOT [-] bank for you. I underwrote for large banks during [-] [-] and as large as we were, if someone called us with this request we would never hesitate to [-] everything in our [-] to give them [-] benefit of [-] doubt. Understandably, that was not ongoing but if instead we went back and made things worse, it meant we probably were not [-] right people for that [-]. From this experience, it is a good example of [-] poor performance comes from [-] top down and [-] bank as a whole needs to really examine what management is either allowing or condoning in its mortgage department.

Ubicaciones de sucursales adicionales en New Orleans para Fifth District Savings Bank
Los siguientes bancos también están ubicados cerca enNew Orleans y son parte de Fifth District Savings Bank