Webster Bank, National Association Corporate

Webster Bank, National Association has 198 banking locations. Their corporate headquarters address is listed as: 1959 Summer St in Stamford Connecticut.

This corporate page for Webster Bank, National Association includes ratings, links to all Webster Bank, National Association branch profiles locations, reviews, corporate details, directions, office hours, their phone number, online banking website, and branch locations.

Webster Bank, National Association Headquarters
Webster Bank, National Association Corporate Headquarters Address:
Webster Bank, National Association
1959 Summer St
Stamford, Connecticut 06905
Get mobile directions from current location:
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Webster Bank, National Association Headquarters Phone Number: (203) 578-2200

If you are not looking for their corporate location, but a Webster Bank, National Association branch location close to you or somewhere else:
Simply enter the city and/or zip code below, and we will return all Webster Bank, National Association branches in that area.
Skip to Complaints, Ratings, and Reviews
Webster Bank, National Association Headquarters Map
Webster Bank, National Association Location Area Map

Webster Bank, National Association Lobby Hours
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Webster Bank, National Association Overview
This section was Last checked and updated, on our end, 1/28/2024.
Bank's Headquarters:
1959 Summer St
Stamford, Connecticut 06905
Became FDIC Insured:
Corporate Website:
Corporate Structure
Number of Branches:
US Bank Branches:
Foreign Offices:
Bank Class:
Commercial bank, national (federal) charter and Fed member, supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).
Last Structure Change:
Bank Specialty/Focus:
Commercial Lending Specialization
Bank Holding Company:
Parent FDIC Cert#:
NA - Not listed as a child of a larger bank.
SAIF Insured:
State Chartered:
Financial Snapshot
Deposits Held Domestically:
Equity Capital:
Net Income:
Additional Websites where they accept or solicit for deposits:
FDIC Oversight
FDIC Region:
FDIC Supervisory Region:
New York
Federal Reserve District:
New York
FDIC Field Office:
Branch Locations for Webster Bank, National Association
Generic Bank Image - No Logo available
The following is a directory of all branch offices for Webster Bank, National Association. Below that are any complaints and ratings available as well as the ability to leave one yourself if you wish :)
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CITYPLACE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
185 Asylum St
Hartford, Connecticut 06905
HARTFORD BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
108 Farmington Ave
Hartford, Connecticut 06905
PARK STREET BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
680 Park St
Hartford, Connecticut 06905
WEST HARTFORD CENTER BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
65 Lasalle Rd
West Hartford, Connecticut 06905
EAST HARTFORD BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
1085 Main St
East Hartford, Connecticut 06905
East Hartford Branch - Webster Bank
1491 Silver Lane
East Hartford, Connecticut 06905
SILAS DEANE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
1039 Silas Deane Hwy
Wethersfield, Connecticut 06905
Wethersfield Branch - Webster Bank
1160 Silas Deane Highway
Wethersfield, Connecticut 06905
ELMWOOD BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
1114 New Britain Ave
West Hartford, Connecticut 06905
Newington Plaza Branch - Webster Bank
3180 Berlin Turnpike
Newington, Connecticut 06905
FRANKLIN AVENUE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
324 Franklin Ave
Hartford, Connecticut 06905
BISHOPS CORNER BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
774 N Main St
West Hartford, Connecticut 06905
Park Road Branch - Webster Bank
75 Park Road
West Hartford, Connecticut 06905
Storrs Center Branch - Webster Bank
1 Royce Circle Suite 102
Storrs, Connecticut 06905
OLD LYME BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
7 Halls Rd
Old Lyme, Connecticut 06905
ANSONIA BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
200 Division St
Ansonia, Connecticut 06905
BRANFORD BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
1 S Main St
Branford, Connecticut 06905
CHESHIRE NORTH BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
145 Highland Avenue Maplecroft Plaza
Cheshire, Connecticut 06905
Cheshire Branch - Webster Bank
975 South Main Street
Cheshire, Connecticut 06905
CROMWELL BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
5 Coles Rd
Cromwell, Connecticut 06905
ORANGE DERBY BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
500 New Haven Ave
Derby, Connecticut 06905
ESSEX/WESTBROOK BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
130 Westbrook Rd
Essex, Connecticut 06905
GUILFORD BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
1069 Boston Post Rd
Guilford, Connecticut 06905
SHORELINE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
28 Durham Road (route 79)
Madison, Connecticut 06905
MERIDEN EAST BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
652 E Main St
Meriden, Connecticut 06905
MIDDLETOWN CENTRAL BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
363 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06905
MILFORD CENTER BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
100 Broad St
Milford, Connecticut 06905
Woodmont Branch - Webster Bank
314 Merwin Ave
Milford, Connecticut 06905
MONROE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
495 Monroe Tpke
Monroe, Connecticut 06905
NORTH HAVEN BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
70 Washington Ave
North Haven, Connecticut 06905
Old Saybrook Branch - Webster Bank
723 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06905
ORANGE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
247 Boston Post Rd
Orange, Connecticut 06905
Oxford Branch - Webster Bank
60 Oxford Road
Oxford, Connecticut 06905
SEYMOUR BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
15 New Haven Rd
Seymour, Connecticut 06905
375 BRIDGEPORT AVENUE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
375 Bridgeport Ave
Shelton, Connecticut 06905
HUNTINGTON BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
506 Shelton Ave
Shelton, Connecticut 06905
Shelton Branch - Webster Bank
502 Howe Avenue
Shelton, Connecticut 06905
MAIN STREET NORTH BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
100 Main St N
Southbury, Connecticut 06905
SOUTHINGTON BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
132 Main St
Southington, Connecticut 06905
Southington Branch - Webster Bank
359 Queen Street
Southington, Connecticut 06905
WALLINGFORD BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
64 S Main St
Wallingford, Connecticut 06905
NEW HAVEN BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
200 College St
New Haven, Connecticut 06905
EAST HAVEN BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
260 Main St
East Haven, Connecticut 06905
Hamden Branch - Webster Bank
5 Helen Street
Hamden, Connecticut 06905
WESTVILLE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
894 Whalley Ave
New Haven, Connecticut 06905
WEST HAVEN BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
584 Campbell Ave
West Haven, Connecticut 06905
DIXWELL AVENUE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
2855 Dixwell Ave
Hamden, Connecticut 06905
BETHANY BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
696 Amity Rd
Bethany, Connecticut 06905
BRIDGEPORT BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
3546 Main St
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06905
TRUMBULL BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
2 Daniels Farm Rd
Trumbull, Connecticut 06905
STRATFORD BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
450 Barnum Avenue
Stratford, Connecticut 06905
Waterbury Branch - Webster Bank, National Association
145 Bank St
Waterbury, Connecticut 06905
CHASE AVENUE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
5 Wigwam Ave
Waterbury, Connecticut 06905
REIDVILLE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
364 Reidville Dr
Waterbury, Connecticut 06905
MATTATUCK BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
725 Wolcott St
Waterbury, Connecticut 06905
Brass Mill Center Branch - Webster Bank
495 Union Street, Brass Mill Center
Waterbury, Connecticut 06905
Waterbury Branch - Webster Bank
326 Highland Avenue
Waterbury, Connecticut 06905
PROSPECT BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
45 Waterbury Rd
Prospect, Connecticut 06905
WOLCOTT ROAD BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
710 Wolcott Rd
Wolcott, Connecticut 06905
KENT BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
50 North Main Street, Route 7
Kent, Connecticut 06905
LITCHFIELD BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
311 West St
Litchfield, Connecticut 06905
MIDDLEBURY BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
400 Middlebury Rd
Middlebury, Connecticut 06905
NAUGATUCK BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
733 Rubber Ave
Naugatuck, Connecticut 06905
BOARDMAN TERRACE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
53 Main St
New Milford, Connecticut 06905
Lanesville Branch - Webster Bank
169 Danbury Rd
New Milford, Connecticut 06905
SHERMAN BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
Routes 37 And 39
Sherman, Connecticut 06905
TERRYVILLE BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
1 N Riverside Ave
Terryville, Connecticut 06905
THOMASTON BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
155 Main St
Thomaston, Connecticut 06905
TOP OF THE HILL BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
1180 E Main St
Torrington, Connecticut 06905
WATERTOWN BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
712 Main St
Watertown, Connecticut 06905
Pioneer Branch - Webster Bank
544 Straits Turnpike
Watertown, Connecticut 06905
BROOKFIELD NORTH BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
789 Federal Rd
Brookfield, Connecticut 06905
DANBURY BRANCH - Webster Bank, National Association
83 Newtown Rd
Danbury, Connecticut 06905
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Webster Bank, National Association Complaints

View More Webster Bank, National Association Complaints:
1 2 3 4
Complaint ID: 6353206

Product: Checking or savings account

Sub-Product: Savings account

Issue: Managing an account

Subissue: Funds not handled or disbursed as instructed


Complaint: I opened a high-yield savings account to take advantage of the 3.75 interest rate. Shortly after transferring funds into the account another bank account that I owned by a different bank XXXX direct offered a higher interest rate. And I initiated a transfer from brio direct to my XXXX account. 2 days later I received an email from brio direct stating that my account transfer was under review and my access to my account was locked. I contacted Webster Bank operator of XXXX XXXX and they said my account was under review but I should hear something by the next day or two. I contacted brio direct multiple times in the following days and was always told my account was under review and nobody could speak with me about it. I submitted a copy of my driver 's license and bank statement on XX/XX/XXXX as requested and XXXX XXXX said they had received the documents and my account was still under review. And they said it would be a week or so and there was nothing I could do and they did not need any more information. I offered for them to transfer the funds back to the accounts they had come from but they said the account is locked and nothing can be done and the compliance department works at their own speed. it's been almost 2 weeks since the initial account locking and what I spoke with XXXXXXXX XXXX today XX/XX/2022 they said the XXXX department XXXX XXXX bank was still reviewing the account and they had no estimate on when I would be able to view my account or access my funds. I feel like brio direct has locked my account is holding my funds XXXX. And they can not give me a reason why it is being held or when they will be released. after having this issue I found they a lot of XXXX XXXX customers are having this same issues with this bank locking their account and holding funds when the customer tried to withdraw any funds from their account.

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

Complaint ID: 7222017

Product: Checking or savings account

Sub-Product: Checking account

Issue: Managing an account

Subissue: Deposits and withdrawals


Complaint: On XXXX I had two transactions come through my account that required my overdraft protection to be used. The money was transferred and items were paid. The next day I got an email that I would be getting two overdraft fees for these items despite the fact that they were paid. Their overdraft protection policy is that no fee is assessed when it is used to cover transactions as you will be charged interest for the amount used. I was assessed 2 fees and reached out for an explanation which did not make sense. I asked for further explanation and continue to wait. I do believe that this bank is charging consumers unnecessary fees to inflate their revenue.

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

Complaint ID: 6890358

Product: Checking or savings account

Sub-Product: CD (Certificate of Deposit)

Issue: Opening an account

Subissue: Didn't receive terms that were advertised


Complaint: Earlier today XX/XX/23 I tried opening a CD account with XXXX XXXX powered by Webster Bank XXXX NA '. I followed all their instructions and completed the application, later I got an email saying my application was rejected. I was concerned if not disappointed, and immediately called the bank and spoke to a couple of the staff members, including the lady who pickup the phone, XXXX, and the manager himself, XXXX XXXX XXXX. I told them I had provided all the personal information and whatever details they required, and that there's absolutely nothing wrong with my identity and or my credit record, and if there was anything wrong to please let me know, so I may correct it and complete the process. Because, as far I know, I do have an excellent credit record, not to mention my financial background, leave alone my identity. I believe they pretty much are consistent and also speak for themselves, should they or anyone goes checking to verify. The aforementioned financial institution should not be advertising something they can not provide, and they should not be gathering valuable information without taking care of their responsibilities. It is only fair that after I take the time to complete their online forms and provide them with my personal details that If I get rejected then I should know exactly why. I asked XXXX XXXX XXXX, the manager, to please write an email about the bank 's final decision and he refused, he refused to cooperate and or offer a viable solution. The bank 's games the bank 's own rules. He told me that if I was concerned I should not bother doing business online. It seems improper, if not unethical, for these banks to be gathering sensitive information about potential clients and being rejected for no apparent cause. If there is then let people know. There should be no mystery, everything should be clear and transparent to anyone who takes the time to apply and follow all their instructions, especially someone who, through very hard work diligence, has managed to build an outstanding credit record and has no identity issues. I am also very concerned about how this information can used or misused.

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

View More Webster Bank, National Association Complaints:
1 2 3 4

Webster Bank, National Association Reviews and Ratings

Average Customer Rating

0 out of 5 stars from 0 reviews.

18221-Webster Bank


[-] means a part of a review was redacted. Names, profanity, phone numbers, account numbers, and email addresses being the main reasons. False positives happen as well, better to ere on the side of safety we think.

We currently have no ratings or reviews for this bank location. If you have used their banking services in the past please consider leaving a review or rating for future vistors to this page - it is very much appreciated!

Webster Bank, National Association Name Changes
The following are other names Webster Bank, National Association has been known by over the years:

In 1986 their name became: Bristol Savings Bank.

In 1996 their name became: Webster Bank.

In 2004 their name became: Webster Bank, National Association.

Webster Bank, National Association Headquarters' Locations
The following addresses are where Webster Bank, National Association has had their headquarters:

Moved From: 150 MAIN STREET to 145 Bank Street, Webster Plaza, Waterbury, CT 06702.

Moved From: 150 MAIN STREET to 145 Bank Street, Webster Plaza, Waterbury, CT 06702.

Moved From: 145 BANK STREET, WEBSTER PLAZA to 145 Bank St, Waterbury, CT 06702.

Moved From: 145 Bank St to 1959 Summer St, Stamford, CT 06905.

Webster Bank, National Association Mergers and Acquisitions
The following shows transitions that are what have ultimately result in Webster Bank, National Association becoming what it is today, for better or worse.

First Federal Bank, a federal savings bank (1995)
Shelton Savings Bank (1995)
The Derby Savings Bank (1997)
Peoples Savings Bank & Trust (1997)
Eagle Bank (1998)
Maritime Bank & Trust Company (1999)
The Village Bank & Trust Company (1999)
Community Bank (2000)
The Equity Bank (2000)
New England Bank and Trust Company (2000)
Olde Port Bank and Trust (2000)
Mechanics Savings Bank (2000)
The North American Bank & Trust Company (2003)
First Federal Savings Bank of America (2004)
Webster Trust Company, National Association (2004)
First City Bank (2004)
State Bank of Howards Grove (2005)
NewMil Bank (2006)
Sterling National Bank (2022)